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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, October 4, 2005 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: C. Mattegat, G. Finnegan,  R. Simon,  D. Giannini and R. Connor.  ALSO PRESENT: Chief Kehoe,  Captain Rios, three members of public, one member of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Marilyn Alexander, 8 Taunton Lake Drive, is concerned with speeding on her road by construction crews, residents, an oil truck, recycling and Fed Ex. She would like speed bumps but understands that probably would not be considered. She would like more patrols in the neighborhood. A resident at 14 Knollwood Drive said that a school bus and Fed Ex drivers go too fast. Chief Kehoe said that more patrols will be on Taunton Lake Drive. Captain Rios suggested that Mrs. Alexander share her concerns with the neighbors which should result in a difference in the speeding along with increased patrols.

Traffic signals on Church Hill Road. Mr. Joseph Kasper said that the owners of Newtown Shopping Village want the highest degree of safety. He said that the 1997 STC approval letter for the light at the Village stipulated: 1) that there be a fully activated computer driven light, 2) Queen Street had to be widened, and 3) the new light had to be interfaced with the existing signal at Church Hill Road. He said that the Church Hill Road signal was so antiquated that it could not be interfaced and that the State put in a new signal seven years ago. He said that Middle School students cross in groups and each group pushes the button to stop traffic. He said that we need to work with a traffic engineer to have flexibility to keep traffic moving while protecting pedestrians. Chief Kehoe said we want to use the crosswalks and pedestrian stanchions in all four areas. He said that the STC said the Church Hill light is substandard. Mr. Kasper said that is a new light and that computer chips should be able to be changed to upgrade the light. Chairman Mattegat said that Mr. Kasper was invited to this meeting to advise Mr. Kasper of what is being planned. Mr. Kasper said that the Whiels agreed to improve the pedestrian crossing at Church Hill and Queen. Chief Kehoe said that a new sidewalk will be added as well as a crosswalk across Queen Street. The tip of the island will be removed. The light is scheduled to be upgraded next year. Mr. Kasper said there are sensors in the signal on Queen Street north bound to avoid queuing. He feels that people will respond if they have a sense of what is expected of them. He suggested using signs and education. Mr. Kasper is meeting with Mr. Whiel to discuss their mutual property line. Commissioner Giannini said that the “No Right Turn on Red” sign at the Newtown Shopping Village is near the sidewalk and is not clearly visible. He suggested a sign on the wire near the traffic signal. Mr. Kasper noted that with the presence of extra patrols by officers young people are not congregating in the parking lot. He said a video camera system for the property is being planned. Mr. Kasper will be glad to meet with the police consultant when HVCEO selects the consultant.

Andrew Gorosko asked Chief Kehoe is a date, time and location has been set for the termination hearing for Officer Vadas. Chief Kehoe said that no date and time has been set yet.

MINUTES. The minutes and addendum of the regular meeting of September 6, 2005 were unanimously accepted as presented.


Overtime is within the monthly budget with 13% used for three months. Budget balances – Overtime Grants is a wash item; Miscellaneous and Computer Operations had higher costs early in the year that cover the entire year. GL balances are not remarkable.  Fleet. The three new cars need to be set up.  Personnel. The new hire is at the Academy. Firearms training for the Department will be conducted in October and November. There was a  letter of appreciation for Sgt. Sinko. Parking deck is just about finished. Newtown Health Fair was a great success. There will be a training audit

Chairman Mattegat said  that the policy proposed by the animal control officer requires too much interviewing and investigation. Captain Rios would like to know if any of the answers would disqualify someone from adopting a dog. Commissioner Finnegan feels that all the interviews are not necessary. Commissioner Simon said that the dogs should not be used for experiments. Chairman Mattegat asked that the policy be reviewed with the Department and the animal control officer and fine tuned.

Chief Kehoe said that the sergeant’s written test will be given on November 5.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (September, 2005) included monthly calls for service, motor vehicle activity, DUI activity and detective division analysis reports. Motorcycle Target Enforcement last Sunday at Walnut Tree Hill resulted in written warnings given for several vehicles that were not in compliance; they will have to be inspected. Chief Kehoe said that another checkpoint is planned. School crossing guards have been able to reduce the long lines that were present at the start of the year. Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios met with Board of Ed Director of Transportation Tony DiLonardo to discuss the configuration of the lanes at the High School.  Commissioner Finnegan suggested more than one arrival time. Chief Kehoe said that too many students are being driven to school adding to the traffic. Captain Rios suggested widening or reconfiguring the High School driveway.


No thru truck request for Obtuse Road South. Chief Kehoe reported that the Department is still gathering data. The matter will be tabled.


Zoning application 32 Albert’s Hill Road. The application was discussed and will be reviewed when an application is submitted for the elderly housing units.

Request for funds from GL 161 for Police Canine Program . Commissioner Simon moved to approve expending $309.75 from GL 161 for the Canine Program. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Leave of absence request for Officer Lou Ferreira. Commissioner Connor moved to approve a one year leave of absence for Officer Lou Ferreira, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Policy and Procedure Pepper Aerosol Restraint Spray (Revised #1-21) Commissioner Simon moved to adopt Policy and Procedure Pepper Aerosol Restraint Spray (Revised #1-21), second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Policy and Procedure Show-Ups, Photographic Ids, and Lineups (Revised #5-11) Commissioner Simon moved to adopt Policy and Procedure Show-Ups, Photographic Ids, and Lineups (Revised #5-11) , second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

COMMISSIONERS’ PARTICIPATION (NEXT AGENDA).  Commissioner Finnegan complimented Lt. Mooney for having the line on Dinglebrook Lane repainted promptly. Commissioner Simon complimented Sgt. Cole and his officers for their work at the motorcycle stop. Chief Kehoe said that there was much discussion about how to conduct the checkpoint and that Captain Rios’ efforts filtered down.

The next meeting will be on November 1 and will be a special meeting because the November meeting was warned for November 2.

The item 2006 meeting dates will be on the November 1 agenda.

Chief Kehoe discussed with the Public Works Director a town wide speed limit. It was not determined whether there is a need for an ordinance.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 9:25 p.m. to discuss police union contract negotiations and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk